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Hop To It: A Comprehensive Guide to Bunny Care

Care Basics

Welcome to "Hop To It: A Comprehensive Guide to Rabbit Care." This guide is designed to provide you with essential knowledge for caring for a rabbit, regardless of the role they play in your life. From pet rabbits to wool-producing Angora rabbits to rabbits raised for sustainable meat, these animals are incredibly versatile, and each has unique care requirements.

The principles of good animal husbandry we'll cover here apply to all rabbits: proper housing, diet, and healthcare are universally important. Pet owners will find this guide particularly useful as we delve into daily care, nutrition, health issues, and social interaction. Let's hop into the world of rabbit care and learn how to ensure our furry friends lead happy, healthy life.

Now, let's move on to the main content of our guide.


Housing and Environment
Providing an appropriate housing environment is paramount in the grand scheme of rabbit care. Let's dive into the specifics of your rabbit's habitat needs, considering your fluffy companions and those who serve more functional roles as wool or meat rabbits.


1. Cage Size
You can buy some online, but it is usually cheaper to make your own. The cage size is a crucial aspect of rabbit housing, and the cage should allow the rabbit to stand up fully on its hind legs and have some room when fully stretched out. The estimated minimum size needed will depend on the size of the rabbit:

- Less than 4.5 pounds: 1.5 square feet
- 4.5 to 9 pounds: 3 square feet
- 9 to 12 pounds: 4 square feet
- Over 12 pounds: 5 square feet.

Remember, these are minimum size requirements; larger is always better, especially for breeds known to be more active.


2. Bedding

If you're keen on providing bedding, straw or hay are safe, absorbent materials that rabbits typically find comfortable. However, bedding should be cleaned regularly, at least once a week, to prevent the buildup of waste and bacteria.

For those who prefer not to deal with bedding, a resting mat or board can be used instead, especially for rabbits prone to sore hocks (a condition that can affect their feet). This is particularly relevant for Belgian Hares, Flemish Giants, and Rex breeds.


3. Wire Mesh

When using wire mesh for the cage, especially for elevated cages, you must consider the wire gauge (thickness) and mesh size (gap size).

- For small or dwarf rabbits, a 16-gauge wire is typically sufficient.
- Medium or large rabbit breeds are better accommodated with a 14-gauge wire.
- For large and giant rabbit breeds, a 12-gauge wire would work well due to its increased strength.

Regarding mesh size, gaps between half an inch and one inch are generally recommended. This ensures that the cage is strong enough to hold your rabbit. At the same time, small gaps will prevent predators from entering the enclosure and prevent your rabbit from injuring itself. 

The wire should be double galvanized or have a galvanized after-welded (GAW) finish for corrosion resistance, as rabbit urine has a high ammonia content which can cause the uncoated wire to corrode over time.


4. Exercise Space
Rabbits also benefit from time outside of their cages for exercise and exploration. A rabbit-safe area in your home or a secure outdoor enclosure can provide the necessary space for this. For breeds that tend to be more active or if larger cages can't be provided, it's recommended to incorporate an exercise program into the rabbit's weekly care regimen.



 Environmental Enrichment
Environmental enrichment can be beneficial, particularly for rabbits demonstrating repetitive behaviors out of habit. Enrichment is vital as it encourages natural behaviors and provides mental and physical stimulation, helping to prevent boredom and stress. Here are some ideas:


1. Chew Toys:

Rabbits love to chew, and it's a natural behavior that helps keep their teeth healthy. Safe options include untreated wood, willow, hay cubes, or cardboard.


2. Tunnels and Hideouts:

Rabbits are burrowing animals, so tunnels and hideaways can provide a sense of safety and fun. You can use cardboard boxes, paper bags, or even PVC pipes. Make sure they're large enough for your rabbit to fit through comfortably.

3. Digging Opportunities: Rabbits enjoy digging. Provide a box filled with child-safe play sand, shredded paper, or even a patch of dirt if you have an outdoor enclosure. 


4. Foraging Toys:

These can stimulate your rabbit's natural foraging instincts. Hide some of their favorite treats in a toy or newspaper and let them work to get it out.


5. Puzzles and Interactive Toys:

Many rabbit-safe toys encourage your rabbit to think and work for a reward. Puzzles can provide a great mental workout.

6. Running Space: Rabbits need space to run, jump, and exercise. If possible, you should provide a larger enclosure or a safe area in your home where your rabbit can roam free under supervision.


7. Fresh Vegetables and Herbs:

These are a vital part of a rabbit's diet and can provide enrichment. Try stringing some pieces of veggies on a rope or hiding them around the enclosure.


8. Balls and Bells:

Some rabbits enjoy playing with balls (make sure they're large enough not to be a choking hazard) or toys with bells.


9. Social Interaction:

Spend time with your pet. Petting, grooming, and simply being in the same space can provide your rabbit with social enrichment.

Remember, safety is paramount. Always supervise your rabbit when introducing a new toy, and remove it if it becomes a hazard. Different rabbits have different preferences, so it may take some trial and error to find what your pet likes best.



Diet and Nutrition
Rabbits have unique nutritional needs essential to their health and well-being. Their diet consists of several components, and it's crucial to balance these to maintain their overall health.


1. Hay:

This should make up about 70-80% of a rabbit's diet and be available at all times. Hay is crucial for a rabbit's digestive health as it provides the necessary fiber that helps prevent issues such as GI stasis. It also aids dental health, as chewing hay helps grind down their continuously growing teeth. The best types of hay for adult rabbits are grass hays such as Timothy, Orchard, or Meadow hay. Young, pregnant, or nursing rabbits can benefit from alfalfa hay, which is richer in protein and calcium.


2. Vegetables:

Fresh vegetables should make up a substantial part of your rabbit's diet - about one packed cup of greens for every 2 pounds of body weight per day is a good guideline. Leafy greens like romaine lettuce, bok choy, basil, cilantro, and parsley are excellent choices. You can also include bell peppers, broccoli, and brussels sprouts. Avoid giving too much of vegetables high in oxalic acid (like spinach and mustard greens), as they can cause health issues if consumed in large amounts.


3. Pellets:

Pellets should comprise a smaller portion of your rabbit's diet—usually only about 1/4 cup per 6 lbs of body weight daily. Choose high-quality pellets high in fiber and low in protein and fat. Avoid pellets with seeds, nuts, or dried fruits, as these are not ideal for your rabbit's digestion.


4. Fruits:

Fruits should be given sparingly as a treat due to their high sugar content—no more than 1-2 tablespoons per day for a 6-pound rabbit. Apples, pears, peaches, plums, and bananas are good choices. Always remove any seeds or pits, as these can be harmful.


5. Water:

Rabbits should always have access to fresh, clean water. Change the water daily to ensure it's clean and free of bacteria. Some rabbits prefer drinking from a bowl, while others prefer a water bottle. Either is fine as long as your rabbit is drinking enough.


6. Treats:

Treats should comprise the smallest part of your rabbit's diet. While they can be a good bonding tool, overfeeding treats can lead to obesity and other health issues. Opt for healthy treats like small pieces of fruit or special rabbit treats that are low in sugar and high in fiber.


Remember, sudden changes in diet can cause serious digestive problems in rabbits. If you're introducing new foods, do it gradually to allow your rabbit's digestive system to adjust. Monitor your rabbit for any signs of distress or changes in eating or elimination habits, and consult a vet if you notice anything unusual.

Behavior and Interaction
Rabbits are indeed social creatures that thrive on interaction and stimulation. Here are some more insights into their behavior and interaction:


Social Interaction:

Rabbits live in groups in the wild, so they are naturally inclined to socialize. Depending on the rabbit and your goals for your rabbits, it may be beneficial for them to have another rabbit of the same gender as a companion or set up a large colony. We have not experimented with a colony-style rabbitry, but it can be a great option.
If you have a single rabbit, they fight, or you prefer to keep them in separate cages, spending quality time with them daily will prevent loneliness. If you decide to introduce a second rabbit, it's critical to do so slowly and under supervision, as rabbits can be territorial.



Rabbits have a range of communication methods, including body language, thumping, and various sounds. Understanding these signals can help you build a stronger bond with your pet. For instance, if a rabbit thumps its hind legs, it may be scared or warn others of perceived danger. If your rabbit nudges you with its nose, it may want your attention or affection.



Rabbits are intelligent and can be trained to do various tasks like using a litter box, coming when their name is called, or doing simple tricks. Training should always use positive reinforcement, such as giving treats or praise when your rabbit successfully performs a task. Never punish a rabbit; this can harm your relationship and cause fear or aggression.



Many rabbits don't like being picked up and can become scared if mishandled. Always support your rabbit's back and hindquarters when lifting them. Allow your rabbit to come to you instead of chasing them, which can be seen as predatory behavior.


Monitoring Behavior:

Regular interaction with your rabbit will also allow you to monitor their behavior and health closely. Any sudden changes in behavior, such as reduced activity, change in appetite, or unusual behavior, could indicate a health issue and should be checked by a vet.

Remember, building a relationship with a rabbit takes patience and consistency. They may be shy or reserved initially, but they can become affectionate and trustful companions with time. Always treat your rabbit with kindness and respect, and you'll be rewarded with a unique and fulfilling bond and preparation; it can be a rewarding experience.


Rabbits are generally robust animals when kept in the right conditions and fed a balanced diet. However, they can still experience various health issues. 


1. Dental Problems:

Rabbit's teeth continually grow throughout their lives, and if they don't grind down naturally, it can lead to dental problems, including overgrown teeth. Overgrown teeth can cause discomfort, difficulty eating, and potentially severe mouth injuries. 
    - Prevention: Feeding your rabbit a diet high in hay helps them wear down their teeth naturally. 
    - Home Treatment: Regularly monitor your rabbit's teeth for overgrowth signs. Introducing more hay into the diet may help if you notice minor overgrowth. However, severe dental problems should be addressed by a vet.



2. Gastrointestinal (GI) Stasis:

This is a potentially fatal condition in which the digestive system slows down or stops altogether. 
    - Prevention: It can be prevented by a diet high in fiber (like hay), ensuring access to plenty of fresh water, and providing a stress-free environment. 
    - Home Treatment: If your rabbit shows signs of GI stasis (a decrease or absence in fecal output, loss of appetite, lethargy, and a hunched posture), try to encourage them to eat and drink more and gently massage their belly. However, GI stasis is a severe condition that requires immediate veterinary care.



3. Obesity:

Like in other pets, obesity in rabbits can lead to several health problems, including heart disease, arthritis, and liver disease. 
    - Prevention: Ensure your rabbit's diet is balanced and low in fat or sugar. Provide plenty of opportunities for exercise. 
    - Home Treatment: If your rabbit is overweight, reduce the amount of high-calorie foods (like pellets and treats) in their diet and increase their exercise.



4. Pododermatitis (Sore Hocks):

This is a condition where the bottoms of a rabbit's feet become inflamed and sore.
    - Prevention: It can be prevented by providing a soft area in the cage, maintaining an appropriate weight, and encouraging exercise. 
    - Home Treatment: If your rabbit develops mild sore hocks, providing a softer surface for them to stand on and applying a topical treatment like Fauna Care's Silver Spray can help. However, severe cases should be treated by a vet.



5. Parasites:

A common parasitic infestation in rabbits is the ear mite, Psoroptes cuniculi. These tiny mites live on the skin's surface in the rabbit's ear canal, feeding on tissue debris and secretion, leading to an "ear canker" condition.

Symptoms of ear mite infestation include:

  1. Constant shaking or scratching of the head and ears.

  2. Crusty, scaly buildup inside the ears.

  3. Hair loss around the ears due to excessive scratching.

  4. A foul smell emanates from the ears or signs of a secondary bacterial infection in severe cases.

A suspected ear mite infestation requires a definitive diagnosis from a veterinarian. The treatment involves ear cleaning, topical medication (miticide), and ongoing monitoring. All rabbits within the same household should be treated simultaneously, and their bedding or any soft materials in their environment should be cleaned or replaced to prevent re-infestation.


While home remedies like ear cleaning, oil treatments, and over-the-counter treatments containing pyrethrins might be used, they are not as effective as veterinarian-prescribed treatments and carry the risk of misuse or exacerbation of the rabbit's condition. Therefore, any worsening condition or ineffectiveness of home remedies should prompt immediate professional veterinary care to prevent further health complications.


Beyond ear mites, rabbits can also suffer from flea infestations. Fleas are small, blood-sucking insects that can cause severe itching, hair loss, and secondary skin infections. The rabbit could become anemic due to blood loss if not treated properly. Rabbit fleas (Spilopsyllus cuniculi) are common, but ordinary cat and dog fleas can also infest rabbits.

The signs of flea infestation include:

- Excessive grooming, scratching, or biting at the skin.
- Small, fast-moving specks on the fur or skin.
- Flea dirt (small, dark, pepper-like particles) in the fur.
- Hair loss and patches of red, irritated skin.


Treatments for flea infestations often involve topical insecticides safe for rabbits, such as selamectin. Products safe for cats and dogs may not be safe for rabbits, and it is always recommended to consult a vet before starting any treatment regimen.


Another common parasite is the rabbit pinworm (Passalurus ambiguus). These are internal parasites that live in the rabbit's cecum and colon. Pinworms are common but usually do not cause serious health problems unless the infestation is heavy.

Symptoms of a pinworm infestation may include:

- Weight loss despite a good appetite.
- Diarrhea or soft stools.
- Visible worms in the feces, usually resembling thin, white threads.
- Itching or redness around the anus.


A vet can diagnose pinworms by examining a sample of the rabbit's feces under a microscope. Treatment usually involves an oral dewormer, such as fenbendazole. As with ear mites and fleas, cleaning or replacing all bedding and soft materials in the rabbit's environment is essential to prevent re-infestation.


To prevent parasitic infestations:

- Clean and disinfect the rabbit's living area, including cages, bedding, and feeding dishes.
- Limit exposure to wild animals and insects, which can carry parasites.
- Feed the rabbit a balanced diet to keep their immune system strong.
- Regular vet check-ups can catch infestations early before they cause serious problems.
- Regularly check the rabbit's body, ears, and feces for signs of parasites.

In conclusion, while over-the-counter treatments can help manage certain parasites, professional veterinary care is critical for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Using products designed specifically for rabbits is essential, as other animal treatments may not be safe.



6. Snuffles:

Also known as Pasteurellosis, is a common bacterial infection in rabbits caused by Pasteurella multocida. This bacterium can cause a wide range of symptoms, with the most common being a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and in some cases, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the eye's outermost layer). Other signs may include lethargy, decreased appetite, or a behavior change. 


The bacteria are usually present in the respiratory tract of many rabbits. However, they only cause disease when the rabbit's immune system is compromised, for instance, due to stress, malnutrition, or other conditions. It's worth noting that this disease is contagious and can spread quickly from one rabbit to another, usually through direct contact or airborne droplets. Therefore, isolating a sick rabbit from other rabbits is necessary to prevent further spread.

Preventing Pasteurellosis involves the following:


- Regular cleaning: Good hygiene is crucial. Clean the rabbit's living area, bedding, and feeding dishes regularly.
- Minimize stress: Providing a calm and peaceful environment, proper nutrition, and regular exercise can help strengthen the rabbit's immune system.
- Vaccination: Some countries have vaccines available for Pasteurella multocida. Talk to your vet about whether vaccination is an option in your region.

In terms of home treatments:

- Keep the rabbit's environment clean and warm.
- Ensure the rabbit is eating and drinking well. Providing fresh, leafy vegetables and encouraging water consumption can be beneficial.
- Use a soft, wet cloth to clean any discharge from the nose or eyes gently. 

However, it's important to note that home treatments can only temporarily manage symptoms, and professional veterinary care is necessary. The vet will likely prescribe antibiotics to combat the infection, along with pain relievers or other medications to alleviate the symptoms.

It's true that in severe cases where a rabbit's condition is deteriorating despite treatment, and if there is a significant risk to other rabbits, euthanasia may be considered as an option. However, this decision is highly personal and should be discussed thoroughly with a vet. Every effort should be made to save the rabbit, and euthanasia should only be considered when the rabbit's quality of life cannot be improved and it is suffering.


Regular vet check-ups are essential to maintaining your rabbit's health and catching potential problems early. Check your rabbit daily, watch for any changes in behavior, appetite, or elimination habits, and consult a vet if you notice anything unusual. Furthermore, finding a vet experienced with rabbits is crucial, as they have different needs and health concerns than dogs and cats.

Rabbits for Wool

Caring for an Angora rabbit and shearing its wool requires specific skills and knowledge. Angora rabbits are known for their long, soft, and fluffy coats, which require regular maintenance to keep the rabbit healthy and comfortable. Here is a simple breakdown of how to care for an Angora rabbit's wool and how to shear it:


1. Daily Grooming: Angora rabbits require daily grooming to prevent their wool from matting and tangling. Use a wide-tooth comb or slicker brush to gently comb through the wool, starting from the head and working your way down to the tail. Be sure to comb down to the skin, as mats can form close to the body. 


2. Preventing Mats: If you find a mat, try to gently tease it apart with your fingers before combing it out. Never cut a mat out without seeing where the skin is, as you could accidentally injure the rabbit.


3. Diet: A healthy diet can help keep an Angora rabbit's coat in good condition. High-quality rabbit pellets, fresh hay, vegetables, and water are all essential.


4. Hydration: Angora wool can dry out, leading to breakage. Ensure your rabbit has constant access to fresh water to help maintain skin and coat hydration.


Shearing an Angora Rabbit:


1. When to Shear: Angora rabbits must be sheared every 3-4 months. However, this can vary depending on the breed and individual rabbit. If the wool becomes too long, it can become unmanageable and lead to health issues like wool block. Wool block is an ingested hairball that can get stuck in the rabbit's gut, leading to dangerous health complications.


2. Preparation: Before you begin, gather all the necessary tools. You'll need a pair of blunt-tipped shears or electric clippers designed for small animals, a comb, and a clean, comfortable surface to work on. 


3. Technique: Start at the rear of the rabbit and work your way forward, leaving the head, ears, and feet for last. Hold the skin taut to avoid nicking it with the shears. Never cut too close to the skin. 


4. Patience: Shearing an Angora rabbit can take time, especially if you're new to it. Be patient and take breaks if needed. It's important to take your time with the process.


5. Post-Shearing Care: After shearing, keep your rabbit in a warm, draft-free area, as they will be more sensitive to cold without their full coat.


Remember, if you're unsure or uncomfortable shearing your rabbit, it's best to seek help from a professional or experienced breeder. The rabbit's safety and comfort should always be the priority. It's also important to check local and national regulations regarding animal care and treatment.



Raising wool-producing rabbits can be a rewarding endeavor, providing not only companionship but also a renewable source of high-quality wool. Angora rabbits are the most popular breed for wool production, known for their long, soft, and dense coats. Several distinct breeds each have their own characteristics regarding size, wool quality, and temperament. 

If you are interested in rabbits that produce wool, you will want to look into these breeds:


  1. English Angora: The English Angora is the smallest of the Angora breeds, but don't let its size fool you - it produces an impressive amount of wool for its body size. The wool is renowned for its length and softness. Unique among the Angoras, the wool of an English Angora covers its entire body, including its face and ears, giving it a distinctive "teddy bear" look. English Angoras are known for their docile and calm nature, making them good pets and wool producers.

  2. French Angora: French Angoras have slightly coarser wool than the English breed, but it's still soft and highly desirable. A distinctive characteristic of the French Angora is its wool-free face and front feet. This not only gives them a different look but can also make grooming easier. As medium-sized rabbits, French Angoras are a good choice for those who want a balance of size and wool production. They're also known for their good-natured temperament.

  3. Giant Angora: We have the most experience with the Giant Angora. This breed lives up to its name, being the largest of the Angora breeds. Known for their dense and soft wool, Giant Angoras can produce considerable fiber. This breed is a relatively recent addition to the Angora family and is less common than the English and French breeds. But their large size and abundant wool production make them an excellent choice for serious wool producers.

  4. Satin Angora: The Satin Angora is perhaps the most visually striking of the Angora breeds, thanks to its unique wool. Satin Angoras produce a fiber with a satin-like sheen, setting their wool apart from other breeds. They're medium-sized, like the French Angora, and they share the friendly, docile nature common to all Angora breeds.

  5. German Angora: The German Angora is a wool powerhouse. While not as large as the Giant Angora, the German Angora is well-known for its productivity and the sheer quantity of wool it produces. It's larger than the English and French breeds but smaller than the Giant. The wool is dense and soft, and these rabbits are generally easy to care for, making them a good choice for beginners and experienced rabbit keepers.


When choosing a breed, consider the amount and quality of the wool, the size of the rabbit, and its care requirements. All Angora rabbits require regular grooming to keep their wool in top condition, but some breeds may need more grooming than others. Also, remember that the rabbit's temperament can make a difference, especially if the rabbit will also be a family pet. No matter the breed, an Angora rabbit requires time and care, but the reward is a beautiful, renewable source of luxurious wool.

Breeding Rabbits

Choosing the Right Rabbits for Breeding

Whether you are breeding as pets or for meat, selecting healthy, mature rabbits for breeding is essential. The female rabbit (doe) should be at least 6 months old, and the male rabbit (buck) should be at least 4 months old. Choose rabbits from breeds known for good mothering abilities and litter sizes if your goal is to maximize production.



When you're ready for the rabbits to mate, bring the female rabbit (doe) to the male rabbit's (buck's) cage rather than vice versa. Does can be very territorial, and putting a buck into a doe's space may provoke a hostile reaction, potentially leading to injury. The buck's environment is neutral to the doe, making it a more conducive setting for successful mating.


Rabbits mate quickly, often within a few seconds. During the mating process, the buck will mount the doe, and after a successful mating, he will typically fall off to one side. This is known as a "fall off," and it's usually a good indication that mating has occurred. The buck might grunt when he falls off, which is also normal. 


You'll want to see three fall-offs in a single mating session for a higher likelihood of successful breeding. This doesn't guarantee pregnancy, but it improves the odds significantly. It's important to observe these fall-offs to confirm that mating has indeed taken place. Each fall-off usually happens after a brief rest period for the buck.


After the mating session, return the doe to her cage. This immediate separation helps prevent any potential aggressive behavior from the doe toward the buck. It also allows the doe to have some quiet time, which is beneficial for the likely start of her pregnancy.


Remember, the process of rabbit breeding should be carefully supervised. While rabbits are usually quick breeders, there can be complications or aggression, so it's important to intervene to prevent injuries. Always ensure the safety and well-being of your rabbits throughout the breeding process.




A rabbit's pregnancy lasts about 31 days. You might be able to palpate or feel the babies in the doe's abdomen around two weeks into the pregnancy. Provide a nesting box in the doe's cage a few days before the expected delivery date.



Kindling is the term used to describe a rabbit giving birth. This is a crucial time for both the doe and her newborn kits (baby rabbits), and it requires careful observation and preparation from the rabbit keeper.


In the lead-up to kindling, the doe will typically become more nest-oriented. She may start pulling out fur from her body to line the nest box, providing a warm and comfortable environment for her kits. This behavior indicates that the doe is close to kindling and should be provided with a suitable nesting box if she doesn't already have one. You can buy them online or build your own. Bigger is better for nest boxes so the doe can hop in and out without squishing the babies.


Rabbits usually give birth during the night or in the early morning. Unlike many animals, rabbits typically give birth very quietly and with minimal signs of stress or discomfort. It is best to provide the doe privacy during this time, as undue stress or disturbances can lead to complications or even cause the doe to neglect or harm her kits.


Kits are born hairless with closed eyes and entirely dependent on their mother for warmth and nourishment. The doe will nurse the kits once or twice a day, usually at night or early morning. It's important not to disturb the nest more than necessary during this period, as the doe may become stressed and potentially harm the kits.


After kindling:

  1. Check the nest to ensure all kits are alive and healthy.

  2. Remove any that did not survive to prevent potential health issues in the nest.

  3. Ensure that the kits are warm and appear to be fed (they should have round bellies). 


Remember, although it can be tempting to handle the kits, it's usually best to let the doe and her young ones bond undisturbed. Regular but minimal checks should ensure that all kits are healthy and thriving, and the doe will take care of the rest.



Care of the Kits

In the first few weeks after birth, the doe will provide all the care the kits require. She will nurse them once or twice a day, usually around dawn and dusk when there are fewer disturbances. This feeding schedule is a survival instinct designed to protect the vulnerable kits from potential predators. Consequently, it is rare to witness the doe feeding her kits.


While it's important to allow the doe to care for her kits naturally, you should also perform daily checks to ensure the well-being of the kits. Here's what you need to do:


1. Check for Vitality: Briefly check the nest daily to ensure all kits are alive. If you find any that didn't survive, remove them immediately to prevent potential health issues from affecting the rest of the litter.


2. Check for Feeding Signs: Look at the kits' bellies; they should be round and full, indicating they are fed regularly. If you find any kits with wrinkled, skinny bellies, it suggests that they are not receiving enough milk. In this case, you might need to assist with feeding or consult a veterinarian for advice.


3. Observe Behavior: As the kit's age, they will become more active and begin exploring their environment. You should see them starting to sample solid food and drink water, a regular part of their development.


Remember, performing these checks quickly and without disturbing the nest more than necessary is essential. Excessive handling of the kits can stress the doe and may lead to her rejecting or harming the kits. 


Also, remember that rabbits have a strong maternal instinct. Still, if a doe seems neglectful or is not feeding her kits, you should consult with a rabbit-savvy veterinarian immediately for advice on how to best handle the situation.




Weaning is the process where young animals transition from their mother's milk to other forms of nourishment. In the case of rabbits, this is a crucial period that can significantly impact their long-term health and well-being. Here are some guidelines to ensure a smooth weaning process:


1. Start of Weaning:

Kits begin to sample solid food and water as early as 3 to 4 weeks old, as they start exploring their environment. This is a natural process and an essential step towards weaning. However, the doe's milk will still be their primary source of nutrition at this stage.


2. Transition Period:

Although kits start eating solid food early, it's not advisable to entirely wean them until they're 6 to 8 weeks old. This period allows them to gradually adjust to their new diet, reducing the risk of digestive issues that can arise from a sudden change in diet. 


3. Diet:

During this transition period, providing the kits with the same food you feed the mother is crucial. Fresh water should always be available to them, and rabbit pellets the mom eats can be offered, along with hay. If you wish to provide them with a specific food, do so gradually in small amounts. 


4. Monitor:

Keep a close eye on the kits during this period. Monitor their eating habits and ensure they get enough nutrients from their new diet. They should continue gaining weight and show active, healthy behavior. 


5. Separation:

Once the kits are fully weaned and eating solid food consistently, they can be separated from their mother. This is also an excellent time to start intensively socializing with them, as they will be more independent and curious about their surroundings. 


If the mom will let you, once the kits emerge from the nest box, you can begin handling them a few times daily. Regular handling can help make them friendlier and more comfortable with human interaction, but be sure to handle them gently and be mindful of their stress levels. Always consult a rabbit-savvy veterinarian if you need clarification on the weaning process.


Breeding Cycle

You can allow the doe to mate again after the kits are weaned. Still, it's also beneficial to rest her body after two or three consecutive litters. Overbreeding can lead to health problems.


Rabbit breeding requires responsibility and attention to detail. Still, it can be a rewarding venture for commercial meat production, show, pet, or to increase your fluffy family. Remember that every rabbit is an individual, and adjustments may need to be made based on their health, temperament, and environmental factors.

Rabbits for Meat

Content Warning: The following section contains detailed descriptions and steps for processing animals for meat. We understand that this topic may not be comfortable for all readers. If you'd rather not read about these procedures, we recommend you skip this section. Your understanding of animal care and well-being can still be complete without this information. Please proceed according to your comfort level.



Raising rabbits for meat is common among many homesteaders and small farmers. Rabbits have a quick growth rate and can provide a good source of protein. Here is more detail about the process:


Choosing the right age:

Choosing the right age to slaughter rabbits for meat is a crucial aspect of rabbit farming. This decision is based on several factors, such as the rabbit breed, their growth rates, and the desired texture and quality of the meat.


Rabbits are typically ready for slaughter between 8 to 12 weeks of age. This timing is primarily based on the fact that most commercial breeds of rabbits reach their optimum weight for slaughter within this period. The actual weight can vary depending on the breed. For instance, the New Zealand White rabbit, a popular meat breed, can reach 4 to 5 pounds in 8 weeks and is often considered a good size for meat production.


The reason behind choosing to slaughter at this age range is primarily due to meat quality. At 8 to 12 weeks, the rabbits' meat is typically at its most tender and flavorful stage. Younger rabbits have more delicate muscle fibers, and their meat is usually more succulent. This is particularly desired for recipes that require quick cooking methods or aim to highlight rabbit meat's subtle flavor.

On the other hand, older rabbits can also be processed for meat, but there are some considerations to bear in mind. As rabbits age, their meat tends to become tougher due to muscle and connective tissue development. This isn't necessarily a negative aspect, as some people prefer older rabbit meat's more robust flavor and texture. However, this meat is often best suited to slow-cooking methods, such as stewing or braising, that allow the tougher muscle fibers to break down and become tender.



Humane Dispatching:

Dispatching a rabbit, or any animal, for meat is a serious responsibility that requires a commitment to acting as swiftly and humanely as possible. This reduces stress for the animal, which aligns with ethical farming practices and can impact the meat's quality. Several methods are commonly employed for dispatching rabbits, each requiring particular skills or tools to perform correctly.


One widely used method is a swift and firm blow to the back of the rabbit's head. This should cause immediate unconsciousness, rendering the rabbit insensible to pain before death. This is often performed using a small, heavy bat or similar blunt instrument. Following the blow, the spinal cord is severed swiftly to ensure death. When executed correctly, this method is quick and causes minimal stress or pain to the rabbit.


Another method of dispatching rabbits is cervical dislocation, which involves severing the spinal cord at the neck. This causes instant death to the animal. Cervical dislocation requires skill to be executed quickly and correctly. The practitioner typically uses their hands to apply force and dislocate the neck. However, misapplication of this method can cause unnecessary suffering.


Several tools and devices have been developed to make cervical dislocation more efficient and ensure it's performed correctly. The "broomstick method" involves placing a broomstick or similar pole across the back of the rabbit's neck, holding the ends down firmly with your feet, and pulling upwards on the rabbit's hind legs. This method is considered highly effective when done right, but it does require some strength and precision.


The "Hopper Popper" is a commercially available tool for cervical dislocation. It provides a stable and efficient means to perform the technique, reducing the chance of error and ensuring a more humane dispatch. By providing a guide and leverage, the Hopper Popper helps to reduce stress and improve accuracy for the person performing the dispatch.


Regardless of the method chosen, receiving proper training from an experienced person is crucial. This ensures that the selected method is performed correctly and humanely, reducing potential mistakes that could lead to prolonged suffering for the animal. Proper training also promotes a better understanding of the process, which can help reduce a person's stress or discomfort when performing the task.

The goal is to cause immediate unconsciousness and death, minimizing the rabbit's suffering and ensuring a humane end.




Dressing a rabbit, or any meat animal, refers to preparing the carcass for consumption or storage after the animal has been dispatched. This typically involves removing the innards, cleaning the carcass, and preparing it for further use. When done correctly and promptly, dressing the rabbit properly maintains the quality of the meat and ensures its safety for consumption.


The first step in dressing a rabbit is bleeding it out. This involves making a cut at the neck to allow the blood to drain from the body. Draining the blood not only helps preserve the meat's quality but also makes the remaining steps of the dressing process cleaner and easier to manage. After dispatching the rabbit, it's important to start this process as soon as possible to ensure efficient drainage.


Once the rabbit has been bled out, the next step is to remove the fur through skinning. Skinning involves making a small incision in the skin, usually around the hind legs or neck, and carefully peeling the skin away from the meat. This should be done carefully to avoid damaging the meat beneath the skin.


After the rabbit is skinned, the next step is evisceration or removing the innards. This step must be performed carefully to avoid puncturing any internal organs, which could contaminate the meat. A careful cut is made along the belly of the rabbit, allowing the internal organs to be removed. Special care is given to remove the digestive tract, as it can contain bacteria that may spoil the meat.


Following evisceration, the rabbit carcass is rinsed thoroughly to remove residual fur, blood, or other matter. It's essential to clean the carcass thoroughly to prevent any potential contamination that could affect the quality or safety of the meat.


After cleaning the carcass, it can be further processed to suit the intended cooking method or stored for later use. If the rabbit meat is to be frozen, it's typically wrapped tightly in freezer-safe packaging to prevent freezer burn and maintain quality.




Butchering a rabbit refers to cutting or breaking down the cleaned and dressed into individual parts or cuts for cooking or storage. How you butcher the rabbit can depend on various factors, such as your preference, culinary plans, and storage considerations. 


If the rabbit is to be roasted or slow-cooked whole, the carcass may not require any further butchering. However, dividing the rabbit into sections allows for more versatility in cooking methods and can make storage easier. The main sections usually include the following:

  • The legs (both front and rear).

  • The loin (the back of the rabbit).

  • The saddle (the lower back and rump). 


To begin butchering, you'll need clean, sharp tools - usually a good quality butcher's knife and possibly a cleaver for dividing the carcass. Cleanliness is crucial throughout the process to prevent contamination and ensure the safety of the meat. It's advisable to regularly clean your tools and work surface, even between different sections of the same rabbit.


When butchering a rabbit:


1. Separate the Legs: Starting with the hind legs, make a cut around the joint where it connects to the body. Twist and pull the leg while cutting through the joint to separate it. The process is the same for the front legs, although they are generally smaller and easier to remove.


2. Remove the Loin: The loin is the meat along the rabbit's spine, from the neck to the start of the saddle. To remove it, make a cut along the spine, then slice downward following the curve of the ribs. It takes some practice to follow the contour of the bones and get a clean cut.


3. Cut the Saddle: The saddle includes the lower back and rump of the rabbit. Depending on preference, it can be left whole or cut into smaller pieces. 


4. Debone if Necessary: you might want to remove the bones from the legs or loin depending on your intended use. This can be done by making a cut along the bone and carefully separating the meat with your knife. 


5. Trim and Clean: After all the cuts are made, trim off any excess fat or clean up the cuts as needed. 


During the butchering process, it's essential to maintain the quality of the meat. Handle it as little as possible to prevent warming the meat with your hands. It's also best to butcher the rabbit on a cool surface and in a cool environment to keep the meat fresh.




Storage is essential in preserving rabbit meat's quality, safety, and freshness after butchering. Like all meats, rabbit meat is perishable and can spoil if not handled and stored correctly. The aim is to slow down the growth of bacteria that cause spoilage, which is achieved by controlling the temperature of the meat.


  • Refrigeration: Refrigeration is a suitable option if you plan to consume rabbit meat within a few days. Fresh rabbit meat can be safely stored in the refrigerator at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius) for two to three days. Before refrigerating, it's recommended to wrap the meat tightly in plastic wrap or place it in a sealed container to prevent it from drying out and to avoid cross-contamination with other foods. It's important to note that the temperature in the refrigerator should be consistent to avoid any potential bacterial growth. 


  • Freezing: For longer-term storage, freezing is the preferred method. Rabbit meat can be frozen safely for several months without significantly losing quality. Before freezing, the rabbit meat should be appropriately packaged to protect against freezer burn, which can affect the texture and taste of the meat. Vacuum sealing is the most effective method to package meat for freezing as it removes air, which can lead to freezer burn over time. If a vacuum sealer isn't available, the meat can be tightly wrapped in plastic wrap and then in a layer of aluminum foil or placed in a freezer-safe bag with as much air removed as possible. Frozen rabbit meat should ideally be kept at 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius) or below. 


  • Defrosting: When you're ready to use frozen rabbit meat, it's crucial to defrost it properly to maintain the quality and safety of the meat. The safest way to thaw rabbit meat is in the refrigerator. This method ensures the meat remains at a safe temperature throughout defrosting. It's worth noting that this can take up to 24 hours, so planning is key. Once defrosted, the meat should be used within two days.


In conclusion, properly storing and handling rabbit meat is critical to maintaining its freshness and preventing spoilage. Whether refrigerating for short-term use or freezing for long-term storage, ensure the meat is packaged correctly and stored at the right temperature.


It's important to note that laws and regulations regarding home slaughter vary by location. Always ensure you comply with local regulations and best practices, and treat animals with respect and consideration.


The information provided on this website, including any advice or guidance on animal care, health, and processing animals for meat, is intended for general informational purposes only. It does not constitute professional advice or training, nor does it replace professional advice or hands-on training.

While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of this information, we make no warranty or guarantee as to the correctness, completeness, applicability, or suitability of the information for any particular purpose. We recommend that anyone interested in maintaining the health of their animals or processing animals for meat undertake professional training, consult with a qualified veterinarian, and fully understand local laws and regulations pertaining to animal care, health, slaughter, and meat processing.

It's imperative to ensure that any care or processing of animals is done humanely, ethically, and in accordance with the highest standards of cleanliness, health, and food safety.

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